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UltraViolet is a hyper-accurate recreation of the classic vibe sound that began with the original Shin Ei Univibe® in the late ‘60s, but it goes far beyond those original units in flexibility. We’ve captured all of the critical component interdependencies of the original down to the tiniest nuance, but we’ve also innovated by adding a new Blend mode to the original Chorus (50/50) and Vibrato (100% wet) settings, to give you a 70/30 mix of dry and wet for a more subtle effect. We’ve also added three different Bias settings, allowing you to fundamentally change the throb and growl of the vibe sound to suit the needs of the music. It’s highly addicting!

It’s a sound that captivated players like Jimi Hendrix, Robin Trower,+ David Gilmour and Doyle Bramhall II, and it’s still highly sought after today!


47 in stock


• Hyper-accurate recreation of the original ‘60s vibe sound popularized by Jimi Hendrix and others.

• Three operating modes: Chorus (50/50 mix), Vibrato (100% wet) and new Blend mode (70/30)

• Three different Bias settings for determining the center frequency of the sweep – Low, Mid and High.

• Controls for Speed, Intensity and Volume.

• TRS Stereo Input and Output jacks.

• USB-C for firmware updates, MIDI connectivity and future compatibility with our Nixie software.

• TRS MIDI/Expression jack for connecting to a TRS MIDI source or expression pedal.

• Full MIDI implementation and 300 preset slots.

• Premium discrete JFET analog input preamp.

Backline Srl
Via Calabria 3
20158 Milano
Phone +39 02 82396445

P.I. 12491290156

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