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19 December 2022

Backline is pleased to announce the distribution of Reverend instruments: a new brand ready to please musicians looking for a sound and look that is out of the chorus. Available for delivery very soon.

Reverend recalls a vintage look re-interpreted to create a narrative of its own, and offers modern, captivating sounds for a style that stands out from the crowd.

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Guitars and basses with a unique style!

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Based in Toledo, Ohio, Reverend is operated by Ken and Penny Haas. All guitars and basses are expertly designed by designer and luthier Joe Naylor. The standard series is manufactured with extreme precision in South Korea by the last boutique guitar factory still in business.

The instruments are then shipped to the States, set up and checked by the team of technicians led by Zach Green, who initials each instrument before it goes out the door. From the best known to the most unknown, everyone is impressed because Reverend pays attention to what makes an instrument what musicians want to play. And that is what Reverend will always focus on.

Reverend was born quietly, in a garage behind an East Detroit bike store, in 1997. Joe Naylor drew on his years of study in industrial design, lutherie school, and professional vintage guitar repair to create the first Reverend guitar. The design was unusual, but what struck most people was Joe’s attention to detail on the instrument and the sound.

Today the brand has grown to have a global presence and has attracted the attention of rock stars, professional musicians, journalists, and industry leaders. Reverend offers many shapes and styles of guitars and basses, but the one thing that remains the same is the professional quality that is available to everyone, whether they are filling amphitheaters or playing in their living rooms.

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