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12 November 2020

The new Woodshed Comp is Suhr’s first pedal designed together with a great Suhr artist-Andy Wood!
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Together, Kevin Suhr and Andy Wood built a compressor that is the foundation of some of Andy’s favorite tones…Andy in fact plays in multiple musical settings, and this little compressor echoes his versatility!
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The purpose of the Woodshed Comp was to create something unique and with more character than commonly used compressors on the market. Compressors are like overdrives: they all have different flavors and do different things. With the Woodshed Comp, the main goals were to provide compression while maintaining the tone and transients of the guitar without being unstable, like some vintage pedals.

The Woodshed, is the most natural, open, and actuated compressor you’ve ever heard: unparalleled clarity and headroom, allowing you to get a long, massive sustain, with just the right “bang,” without the need to push the gain too high on the amp!

“When I use the compressor, I actually use it to boost the signal. This is kind of a trick that some of my heroes have used over the years, where you’re adding a lot of signal to your clean tone just to push it up … I mean up to 3, 4 or 5 decibels .. which isn’t that much in and of itself, but musically it’s a big jump in front of a clean channel of a tube amp!” – Andy Wood

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